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Hospital Pharmacy Module (HPM)

The DASH Hospital Pharmacy Module (HPM) is intended to provide estimates of pharmaceuticals and intravenous fluids that may be required at a facility for the first 48 hours after a mass casualty incident occurs. The HPM should be completed to complement both the Burn and Trauma Modules. Based on hospital characteristics, the module will offer baseline inventories for categories (e.g., analgesia, antibiotic). The user will input inventory information for common drug formulations in stock within these categories and see immediately whether the hospital has adequate or inadequate stocks of medications in that category. Dosing is based on adult (i.e., higher) requirements, though pediatric formulations are included where available.

The DASH HPM is not proscriptive nor definitive. It is intended as a starting point for facility planners to estimate the minimum quantities that may be needed based upon the role the hospital has in the community. The module is meant to be considered in conjunction with other planning tools, resources, information, and facility and community-wide preparedness efforts. It is not intended as a clinical tool and should be used for pre-incident planning and NOT during an incident.

For detailed information on the purpose of the DASH HPM Module, related planning considerations, and additional resources, click on the “HPM Methodology (PDF)” button. For detailed instructions, click on the “HPM Instructions (PDF)” button. Most users will find it helpful to have the HPM Instructions open in a separate browser window to follow along as they navigate through the module.

HPM Instructions (PDF) HPM Methodology (PDF)

NOTE: User inputs cannot be saved in the DASH tool. Please remember to download or share as described in the Instructions frequently to save your inputs as you work in DASH.

Begin by entering your hospital's characteristics on the Initial Assessment screen below. Then click on the "Go to Index" button to navigate to any Individual Drug Category where you will enter your inventory.