Disaster Available Supplies in Hospitals (DASH) is an interactive tool that can help hospital emergency planners and supply chain staff estimate supplies that may need to be immediately available during various mass casualty incidents (MCI) and infectious disease emergencies based on hospital characteristics. DASH recommends average par levels for specific supplies that acute care hospitals may need to have on hand to respond to a disaster in their community until resupplied. Recommendations are based on user inputs about the size of the hospital, risks in the community, regional role/designation of the hospital, and other factors.
DASH is comprised of several modules which, taken together, can provide hospitals a holistic view of the supplies needed to address various types of incidents. Each module also incorporates pediatric sizes and specific medication needs as appropriate to the incident. Most users will elect to complete one module or a segment of the module per sitting as inputs cannot be saved in the tool. Please read the instructions and refer to them as you complete each module.
NOTE: User inputs cannot be saved in the DASH tool. Please remember to download or share as described in the Instructions frequently to save your inputs as you work in DASH.
Estimates supplies of medications a hospital should have in its pharmacy to meet seriously injured patient needs for 48 hours following an MCI.
USE THE MODULEEstimates minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by hospital personnel managing patients suspected or known to be infected with a special pathogen.
USE THE MODULEEstimates supplies needed to care for critical burn patients with an average 40% burn surface area for the first 48 hours after a burn incident.
USE THE MODULEEstimates supplies needed to care for seriously injured trauma patients for the first 48 hours after an MCI.
USE THE MODULEThis interactive tool, designed by ASPR TRACIE, with support from Healthcare Ready, can help hospital emergency planners and supply chain staff estimate supplies that may need to be immediately available during various mass casualty incidents (MCI) and infectious disease emergencies based on hospital characteristics. This video can help you learn more about the DASH modules and the user experience designed to provide hospitals a holistic view of the supplies needed to address various types of incidents.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR)’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) and Healthcare Ready developed DASH in collaboration with: ASPR TRACIE Senior Editor, John Hick, MD, Hennepin Healthcare; the Health Industry Distributors Association (HIDA); and the Region VII Disaster Health Response Ecosystem.
The development team would like to thank the following who provided input and review: ASPR’s National Healthcare Preparedness Program, ASPR Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection, the ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre, the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC), and the Region I, IV, and VIII Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) sites. Subject matter experts who reviewed each module are acknowledged in the respective module’s methodology document.
This project was funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response.
For assistance using the DASH Tool, please contact askasprtracie@hhs.gov or 1-844-5-TRACIE.